Your SUPER SPINATUS is the top muscle in your rotator cuff. Mine is angry. It got pissed off about a month ago and apparently, when one continues to use said muscle, it'll say FUCK YOU and just decide to stop working. What's truly sad is that I didn't even really injure it doing anything. I felt a wee twinge one night doing some pushups. And it's not like I decided one night Hey! I know! I'm going to do 100 pushups and completely fuck up my body! after having not attempted them in decades. That's not what happened. I worked up to it - you know, gradual-like. I went the girly pushup route for a while - then I did half and half - then I was doing 10 full-on pushups every night before bed. Whereupon, one night, I had a small twinge and then a few nights later that twinge became more aggressively ouchy. Now I'm going to have to lie and invent some shit and say that I fell dramatically or did it bungy jumping - I can't say that my body can't handle 10 measly pushups. I was so proud of those pushups. What has happened to my body that doing 10 freaking pushups can put me out of commission?
So here's where I started to fuck up a bit. Once the pain started, I didn't really stop using the arm. The twinges started and I just figured that I'd move through it. I will admit that was an error on my part. I was lifting things and holding things and high-fiving things and by the time I got to my physiotherapy appointment yesterday, my shoulder was an achy mass of irritated muscle - even when it was hanging limply by my side.
One good thing to come out of this adventure is that I get to be stoned for awhile, you know, until the swelling goes down. Like right now? I'm totally stoned on Aleve. The good thing - strike that - the GREAT thing about having my particular body chemistry is that naproxen can make me loopy. So can 1/2 a glass of wine. Mix 'em together and you've got a really happy Heather Bunny. But don't. Seriously. Drugs and alcohol don't mix kids. Even better? I don't have to do exercises yet. I LOVE this physiotherapist. I have damaged myself so much that it's probably going to take a week or two to take the swelling down. I'm sure that after that, when I've gotten to know Jeremy really well over the next few months I'll be cursing him when I eventually have to do exercises, but for now? I just get to lie on the table and let him ultrasound me. Yeah, that's right. I'm getting ultrasounded. And while he's ultrasounding my shoulder I know he's thinking Man, for someone who is 45 her shoulder is freaking hot.
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